Our burn off ovens (also commonly known as pyrolysis ovens or burnout ovens) offer an extremely effective process for the removal of plastic or paint coatings and contaminants from process machinery and components. This burns off the unwanted residue and preserves the original machinery part with minimal damage, offering prolonged lifetime and multiple usage. Our burn off / burnout ovens are custom built here at Longworth and can therefore house and clean a wide range of items and sizes.
Burn off processing involves heating a contaminated component at a controlled temperature in a low oxygen environment. This has the effect of vaporising the volatile constituents of the contaminations.
We also sell our burn ovens for customers to use within their own facility, and we only ever sell the same specification ovens that we use ourselves for on-site processing, giving peace of mind that the same results can be achieved.
Read more here about our burn off oven sales.
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